Friday, March 02, 2007

Why is everyone smoking "Crack(down)"?

I know no one reads this blog and it's really just practice for me composing thoughts, but if you are one of the random few to stumble across this post then it's time to narrow the field further by talking about video games. ...whoa, you stayed! Well then, if you're in the next gen worlds (and I hate that term by the way), then you've seen all the posts singing the praise on high of the new 360 game "Crackdown." Besides great voice-over work by your disembodied supervisor, this game is bleh. B.L.E.H. I saw it. I rented it. I played it. I beat it and returned it in 2 days. 2 DAYS!! O.K. so I didn't unlock all the vehicle configs but who frickin cares, one of the largest and only criticisms I've read is the driving gameplay. (Which perspective is way too close to the road, by the way).
One of the things that I've come to believe is that only the best stories have the best villains and that is also one of the problems with this game. The villains are all just outlines of what they could be developed into, not to mention there are no cut scenes, major voice-overs, or really dynamic, problem-solving levels to complete.
Hey, I'm all into jumping and jumping and jumping ....and jumping around as the main gameplay of a game (The jump from the top of the base towers was pretty cool, I admit) but once again, bleh.

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